
Keeping India’s challenging educational scenario in mind, the Global Challenges Forum  organized a Transformative Education Forum (TEF) in India focusing on.“Transformative Education for Sustainable Development”.

The TEF 2012 conference is being hosted by the ACTS group of  Institutions at the Alliance Francaise Auditorium from 13-15 Sep at Bangalore, India.

TEF 2012 will seek to integrate the global concern of sustainability through educational initiatives at all levels. The theme is:

The program will feature experts and practitioners from all over the world. For further details log onto the TEF website: http://tef.nps.edu/web/guest/tef-2012

Invitation is open. Interested persons can contactmoses.satralkar@globalchallengesforum.org or call 0091-9739199256



13- India, Educational Challenges; Integration and Transformation of Educational Practices

14- Educating the Whole Community

15- Education and Sustainable Developmen